
I fought as a pro in Seattle, I lived and trained in the South End and worked in the CD.

I’m about the routine. Having structure to contain me and allow me to move outside of it if needed.
I dropped into the comfort of what I could expect- Up early, teach a boxing fitness class, head to the track and get sprints/bleachers done at Garfield High School. Next, head to the gym, heavy bag, sparring, partner drills, whatever coach had planned.

The ritual kept me focused, willing to embrace the repetition of training. It was a full year of this before I had my pro boxing debut.

I’m a fighter- I love to fight. It feels good……everything is right there staring at you in the form of another.

I was poor in transitions……every opponent I faced either made me pay for that weakness or they stood in front and took a beating.
Way back to high school- all my athletic endeavors- very 2 D - smooth lateral movement escaped me. I just went through, rarely around.

I cannot coach my fighters without my limitations unless I face them. Each individual, each group is a direct reflection of what I have…..they are a reflection of my body mechanics and my ability to transition with mechanical ease. My psyche- a direct connection to all of my physicality.

Each person- individual tells me where I am needing better awareness…..I’ll lead with example, so others can do the same.
Boxing is cerebral- psychological- emotional…..growth is inevitable in this discipline.



Real Boxing


Changing Habits