
Confidence- the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust.

Take two fighters of equal skill level potential- One allows fear, anxiety and doubt rule to their thought patterns. The other firmly believes in their capabilities rather than lamenting potential outcomes.

The one with the confidence has a much higher percentage of coming out victorious and will bounce back from losses with greater strength.

Confidence is earned one small step at a time. To build it one must know the depths of their insecurities and embrace them. Covering up insecurity with bravado, excessive avoidance activities and/or a perfectionist mindset will undoubtedly end in massive disappointment.

The ring is the great truth teller of what is inside us.

External focus leaves us in the heaves of giant waves that swell and crash. You only ride on top of the wave for a brief second before you are enveloped in the swell. Focusing on only being at the top leaves you empty and without the skills you need to get back out of the dips with less expense.

Leverage over brute strength.

Without structure you cannot live rhythmically. A great soloist has structure and form to create from. Routine is not needed….structure and the ability to listen will tell you where you need to be for the utmost performance. Curiosity and questioning should guide your choices…..honesty about your outcomes and what led to them should be your beacon for future decisions.




