When I was 10

When I was 10 years old, I told my dad I wanted to box in the Golden Gloves. (I saw a poster at our local elks club). He patted my head and said, “Smitty! Boxing isn’t for girls.” Like any reasonable kid, I thought, “what a stupid sport” and forgot about it for a long time.

When I came across boxing again, I was 31 working my way through the ranks at United Parcel Service. I had just made it to full time package driver and was promptly promoted to Full Time Supervisor. My time in the gym was spotty- When my coach would hold me accountable to acknowledging my inconsistency, I always said it was the because of the job. He asked me repeatedly on each return to training, “why is it your job?” The question brought up more defense and resistance and the pattern continued until one day, I was the student getting pushed into the river by the Buddhist master. A little satori came over me and moved through- it was my attachment to this job that prevented me from meeting my commitments and not the job itself.

I took a leap and quit my career at UPS. My father told me I was stupid. Now, let’s not go on judging the guy…..I imagine he was just reacting out of fear for how his child could give up the supposed security of a 6 figure 401 K and stock plan job for the insecurity and very low paying title of boxing coach.

If you know me at all, then you know I just ignored this feedback and did what I wanted anyway.

Here we are 20 years later and into the 10th year at Arcaro!



Cut and dried